Responsibility for your community

Wiley manages food allergies in the workplace

As specialists in the design and construction of world class food manufacturing facilities, Wiley understands the need for creating and managing working environments that meet strict food safety standards.

And there is no difference when it comes to managing their own office environments with employees that live and work every day with potentially life threatening food allergies and/or intolerances.

The company is very conscious of the food conditions and dietary requirements of its employees, such as dairy/gluten intolerances, though nut allergy is probably the most commonplace of these conditions and is now recognised as an official disability in Australia.

Managing Director Tom Wiley said: “We are passionate about providing the healthiest workplace we can for our employees and it’s important for us to make sure everyone’s needs are catered for.”   

Wiley’s HR Manager Kate Peardon has a severe peanut allergy and is appreciative to work for a company that is proactively mindful of individual’s allergies, health and medical requirements.

“When we became aware of Kate’s severe allergy, it was an easy decision to remove peanut-related products from the office.” Tom added.

Kate shared, “I am always vigilant with my allergy, but as a new employee it was reassuring to know Wiley understood the severity of my allergy and measures were taken to minimise the chance of coming into contact with peanuts while I was at work.”

Kate Peardon, HR Manager

A recent survey conducted by recruitment marketing specialists, Employment Office, has revealed that nut-free workplaces are on the rise, in recognition of the fact that Australia has one of the highest rates of severe peanut allergy in the world with 22 per cent of workers reporting they have seen a colleague having a severe allergic reaction while at work.

Employment Office Managing Director, Tudor Marsden-Huggins, says banning nut products is not the only option and that employers need to be prepared for allergic reactions in their employees.

Miss Peardon explained further, “For Wiley, education and planning are our two most valuable tools in managing this in the office. We keep detailed, up-to-date records of employees with food-related conditions so we can always prepare the work, or social, environment to suit each individuals needs and drastically reduce the risk of a reaction occurring.”

“We are proactive in openly sharing knowledge of these conditions and have numerous staff trained to deal specifically with these reactions if they should occur. This is vital when maintaining a vigilant workplace that isn’t locked up in fear of something happening or spending all their time preventing it from ever happening, which is unrealistic.”

“We are proud of our commitment to our community in terms of providing the best and safest of working environments both in our offices and out on our numerous work sites.” Kate concluded.

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